• Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Occupational Medicine: What Is It?

The main goals of occupational medicine are worker safety and health. Workers’ compensation payments may be available to employees who are hurt on the job or who have illnesses or diseases that are connected to their profession and need specialized treatment. These consist of hospital and medical treatments, prescription medications and equipment, medically essential gear, salary replacement in part, and rehabilitation services.

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The medical professionals at the occmedmd are skilled in identifying and managing diseases and injuries related to the workplace, assessing an employee’s suitability for employment, and assessing the physical, chemical, biological, and social aspects of the workplace and their impact on employee health.
Together with assessing and lowering risk factors in the workplace, our medical team works with companies to create complete health and safety plans that promote a secure, healthy, and productive workplace.

What diseases and injuries at work are they?

Common occupational health problems, musculoskeletal injuries can result from trauma, overuse, and repeated actions. Other typical ailments are cuts and lacerations, eye damage, and hearing loss. The construction sector has a high incidence of accidents involving falls or being struck by machinery or objects. People who work in the hotel and food service industries have comparable risk profiles because they frequently do repetitive, physically taxing, fast-paced tasks that may also expose them to chemicals.

There is an increased risk of contracting infectious illnesses in some employment. Due to the nature of their profession, health care providers frequently come into contact with sick people and run the danger of contracting bloodborne infections such the hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV viruses.

Many lung disorders associated with the workplace might result from prolonged or repeated exposure to harmful chemicals. Workplace asthma is the most prevalent kind. Workers in many sectors are at risk if they are exposed to dangerous chemicals and materials, cleaning agents, dusts, fibers, or air pollution, even though occupational lung disease is most frequently linked to coal miners.

One of the main causes of mortality in the globe is cancer. According to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, carcinogens—substances that cause cancer—are exposed to millions of American workers each. Workplace carcinogens include silica, radon, arsenic, asbestos, cadmium, chromium, and nickel compounds. Up to 10% of cancer cases in the United States are thought to be related to occupational exposures.

Both individual characteristics and exposure levels affect a person’s chance of acquiring cancer. Those who handle paints, adhesives, insecticides, and cleaning solvents, for instance, may be handling potentially dangerous substances. People who work on construction and demolition sites run the danger of coming into contact with asbestos. Employers must supply the necessary personal protective equipment and instruct staff on how to handle dangerous chemicals safely.

Many occupations are demanding. Anxiety, sadness, or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can result from stress. Prolonged or atypical work hours in high-stress occupations, like law enforcement, can cause exhaustion, stress, and depression that need to be managed by mental health specialists. Every year, around 2 million Americans claim to have been the victims of workplace violence. People who deal with the public in return for money, such as cashiers and store clerks, delivery drivers, security guards, and those who work alone or in small groups, are especially vulnerable. Teams that analyze threats can assist businesses in determining risk factors and putting violence prevention plans into action.

Why consult a doctor of occupational medicine?

The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries connected to the workplace are areas of expertise for the doctors at the occmedmd. The industrial hygienists at Selikoff Centers utilize analytical techniques and environmental monitoring to determine the level of worker exposure to possible health risks. In addition to helping patients comply with notification obligations to the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board and their employers, social workers and benefit counselors also help patients understand their rights and duties.