• Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

The steps involved in purchasing a home in Spain

Purchasing real estate in Spain often follows these steps. The buyer first submits an offer. In the event that this is approved, a preliminary contract (contrato privado de compravento) is signed by the buyer and seller, and the buyer provides a deposit (usually 10% of the purchase price).

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After that, the buyer arranges for whatever mortgage they may need, albeit ideally they had previously discussed their requirements with the mortgage provider. There are several knowledgeable mortgage experts in Spain, including UCI Mortgages, if you require assistance. The complete sale price, taxes, and other expenses are due at the time the contract of sale (escritura de compravento) is typically signed in front of a notary.

Seeing real estate in Spain and putting in a bid

Upon discovering a home that piques your interest, you will often have to submit an offer via the seller’s real estate agent.

The asking price for the property is really a suggestion rather than a demand, and prices are negotiable, just as in other nations. Negotiating below the asking price makes sense, but not so low as to annoy the seller, unless the offer is very appealing or you are up against other buyers.

Price discussions at their most basic are frequently verbal. Your notary should put your offer in writing once you and the other party have reached an outline agreement.

Using a notary public or solicitor

Legally speaking, the sale can proceed without a notary’s assistance. Many mortgage lenders require that you have legal representation for the due diligence, thus hiring one is strongly encouraged.

Property registration is the buyer’s responsibility. Without completing complete registration, your notary may notify the register office that the sale has occurred or provide this function for a charge.

It is required of all practicing attorneys in Spain to be registered with the Colegio de Abogados, the local bar body. You can inquire for and then confirm with the bar association the registration number they hold. Though it is a reasonable minimum level to demand, registration does not, of course, ensure honesty or competence.

The national website for Spanish attorneys, Abogacía Española, has a list of all the bar associations.

Setting up an assessment

While buying a property in Spain without a house survey is technically feasible, it is not recommended. By doing a house survey, you can make sure the property is free of major flaws that can end up costing you in the future.

There are two primary survey kinds that are often accessible for properties that already exist. A valuation report is a high-level analysis that provides you with an unbiased estimate of the property’s market worth.

An in-depth building survey examines the property’s structural state and identifies any significant problems. Building surveys offer a more thorough overview of the property’s condition than value assessments, but they are also more costly.

Translators in order to acquire a Spanish home

A lot of governments mention attorneys and translators who can communicate in Spanish and another language. A helpful resource is the list of English-speaking attorneys and interpreters provided by the British Embassy.

Setting up shop in your Spanish home


When purchasing a property in Spain, it is strongly advised that you obtain homeowner’s insurance.

A building insurance coverage, which protects the property’s structure against fire, natural catastrophes, and other harm, is sometimes mandated by mortgage lenders.

It is not legally required to have contents insurance, which covers your household possessions. Still, it could be a smart investment, particularly if you want to rent out your house if you travel frequently.

Telecommunications and utility

When purchasing a property in Spain, one of the more time-consuming chores is setting up utilities. It’s possible that the prior owner left behind policies that you may inherit.

Municipalities are in charge of managing waste disposal, and garbage pickup is subject to yearly taxes. Before choosing a supplier, you may research prices for other utilities like gas, electricity, and water.

It can be worthwhile to hire a contractor for some aspects of the move. Usually, you may locate these by searching online or via websites like TaskRabbit. Certain projects involving gas, plumbing, or electricity require a professional, so be careful to find out what credentials your contractor requires.

Purchasing land in Spain in order to construct a new home

Spain has always been a popular destination for foreign purchasers seeking vacation properties. Sometimes, dishonest developers and real estate brokers have been able to sell houses that are not legal because of the sheer volume of naïve international customers.

Sometimes homes are eventually demolished by the local authorities because planning approval was not obtained before construction began. In other cases, the property has not been up to par or as described, necessitating expensive repairs.

Notices cautioning foreign purchasers not to incur undue risks have been issued by the British Foreign Office. They advise, if nothing else, looking into:

The qualifications of participating attorneys or real estate brokers

Registro de la Propriedad, or land registration

That the necessary planning permission is in place

the home is debt-free as of right now

that a surveyor or an architect can verify that the property is structurally sound.

The land register may supply the majority of this information upon request, which can be made in person, over the phone, via fax, or by email. By accessing the nationwide website, www.registradores.org (available only in Spanish), you may locate the relevant land register office.

Purchasing a brand-new Spanish house

Like anywhere else, unfinished or unbuilt houses are the target of the worst real estate scams in Spain. Purchasing a property that does not yet exist should be done with caution, even though malevolent intent is unusual. To start with, you ought to:

Verify the company’s existence and that the project is listed in the land registry.

Make an inquiry at the local city hall to confirm that planning approval has been obtained.

Never accept a deal you don’t fully comprehend.

For any translations, enlist a third party.

Demand documentation attesting to the proper holding or use of any money paid (such as a deposit).

Obtain documentation guaranteeing your money back in the event the property is not constructed.

You have the option to purchase land and have a property built as a non-resident. Good legal counsel is even more crucial in this situation as you’ll need to make sure that the contracts you have with builders are suitable and unbreakable.