• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

What distinguishes CBD from cannabis vs CBD from hemp?

Plants that are used to grow hemp or marijuana can yield CBD. The distinctions between the two may not make sense to certain individuals. To put it succinctly, marijuana plants tend to have more tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than hemp plants do.

The word “marijuana,” which has a history of racial connotations, is frequently replaced with the word “cannabis.”

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For the purpose of clarity, this article will use the terms “marijuana” and “hemp,” while “marijuana” is still legally defined as cannabis with more than 0.3 percent THC concentration by dry weight, and “hemp” as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC.

The misunderstanding about CBD from hemp vs marijuana The name, composition, and categorization of the plant are related to CBD.

In general, THC, the chemical that gives marijuana users their “high,” is found in higher concentrations in marijuana plants than in hemp plants.

To find out more about the distinctions between CBD from hemp and CBD from marijuana, continue reading.

Why CBD?

The potential health advantages of CBD have increased public interest in and accessibility to the substance. Many different physical and emotional conditions, including as pain, nausea, addiction, and depression, are treated by people using CBD.

While research has not conclusively shown that CBD is effective for all of these illnesses, what is known is that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a signaling network.

One of the more than 540 phytochemicals included in the Cannabis sativa (C. sativa) plant is CBD, or cannabidiol. It is a non-toxic substance. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the psychoactive ingredient. The main source of legal problems is the variation in THC levels between hemp and cannabis.

What is a hemp plant?

One particular type of C. sativa is hemp. For hundreds of years, hemp has been farmed by people who have used it to build rope, clothing, sails, food, and many other things. In the United States, industrial hemp has an equally lengthy history. Thomas Jefferson, the nation’s third president, personally farmed the crop.

C. sativa plants containing less than 0.3 percent THC are classified as industrial hemp or hemp under the 2018 Farm Bill. Growers are able to lawfully cultivate it in the majority of the United States, with three states not allowed.

THC is present in hemp plants, although only in extremely small amounts. Still, euphoria may be produced by some processed hemp products, such as tinctures, gummies, or capsules.

What is a marijuana plant?

Cannabis plants come in three main varieties: C. indica, C. sativa, and C. ruderalis. A variety of hybrid plants that combine these three strains are also available. Compared to hemp plants, these cannabis plants have variable and much greater THC content.

In addition to having higher THC content, these plants often have lower CBD contents than hemp plants, with the difference becoming increasingly noticeable.

According to a 2016 research, cannabis plants’ average potency increased from around 4% in 1995 to 12% in 2014. Between 2001 and 2014, the average amount of CBD dropped from 0.28% to less than 0.15%.

CBD from marijuana versus hemp

THC and CBD are both present in marijuana and hemp plants, along with over 540 additional compounds. The concentration of each component in the two plants differs mostly from one another.

There is less CBD and more THC in marijuana. Less THC and higher CBD are found in hemp.

Most significantly, the advantages of CBD remain the same whether it comes from hemp or marijuana. The same common adverse effects still occur, including changes in appetite, diarrhea, irritability, and tiredness or lethargy. This is so because the type of plant from which CBD is derived has no bearing on its chemical composition.

But the source does affect how much CBD is accessible for extraction. Because hemp plants have a far higher concentration of CBD, they are the most profitable choice for producers and have the fewest possible legal repercussions.

The primary distinction between CBD from hemp and CBD from marijuana is their legal status. With three exceptions, the majority of the United States is allowed to use goods manufactured from plants that comply with the legal definition of hemp, as stated in the 2018 Farm Bill.

This legislation prohibits the sale of goods derived from plants with greater THC content. But it’s crucial to remember that all CBD products—including those created from CBD extracted from marijuana—must have less than 0.3% THC.

If marijuana is illegal for recreational use in a state, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies any CBD products as Schedule I drugs.

Frequently requested inquiries

Some frequently asked concerns concerning the distinctions between hemp and marijuana are listed below.

Is it true that hemp is a drug?

The Farm Bill, which was approved in 2018, essentially made CBD that derives from hemp lawful.

The legality of CBD products varies by state, though, since some have not removed cannabis from their lists of prohibited narcotics.

Is smoking hemp preferable?

You won’t get “high” by smoking hemp, unlike with marijuana. This is due to the fact that hemp has far lower concentrations of THC, the chemical that causes intoxication.

Anecdotally, some claim that smoking hemp reduces stress, increases attention, and enhances sleep. To substantiate these assertions, further study is nonetheless required.

Additionally, some argue that smoking hemp is preferable to smoking tobacco since it is less harsh, toxic, and addictive.

Does hemp include sativa or indica?

The plant C. sativa is the source of hemp. Croton indica is not a plant that can produce hemp.


Despite the lack of scientific proof to support these health claims, CBD is generating a lot of attention from the general population due to its promise to treat a variety of physical and mental health conditions.

Cannabis sativa comes in two varieties: hemp and marijuana. Hemp has a higher CBD content and a lower THC content.

Since hemp plants have far higher levels of CBD and comparatively low levels of THC—the psychoactive ingredient—the majority of CBD products are derived from hemp plants.

When thinking about using CBD to treat physical or mental health issues, people should let their physicians know so they can be sure it won’t interfere with any other prescriptions they may be taking.

The legal status of hemp CBD and marijuana CBD is the primary distinction.